Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This is the picture of our poster from our Study 2 stereotype project.

Are All Humans Inherently Musical?


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Collaborative Action Plan

1) 1) We are meeting as a whole group Monday Marsh, 29th at 3:00pm. Our meeting place is the Harrison red line stop. After we meet at the red line we are all going to travel together to the DePaul to ask people on the campus questions that relate to our posters and our project. Allen Rhodela and Selena are all also meeting during spring break to make the poster boards.

2) 2) Allen, Selena, Rhodela: Each are finding 5 different pictures of people that fit into particular stereotypes. They are then going to narrow their choices down to 10 pictures and put the pictures on a poster board to be shown to the people that we “interview”

Melissa: Finding 5 Pictures and taking 5 pictures form Alexandria and putting them on the poster board.

Alexandria: Getting 5 pictures and e-mailing them to Melissa to be put on the board.

All group members are trying to get access to a video camera and we will use whoever’s camera will work the best for our project. All group members are also going to take part in developing a series of questions about stereotypes to ask the people we find to interview.

3) For our project we are making 2 poster boards. The poster boards will have 10 pictures of people on them that will fit into different typical stereotypes. We will then travel to different off-campus locations, such as the DePaul Campus and the Museum Campus, and ask people on the street questions. An example question might be “Which person, out of the people on the board, do you think makes/has the most money?” The person will respond by pointing to which picture they think and then we will ask them why they chose that picture. For my part of the project I am going to help come up with the questions that are going to be asked. The questions are the most important part of the project because it will help us to understand why the people answered the way that they did and dig deep to find out where their stereotypes, whether they were aware of them or not, came from.

4) 4) Materials: Poster board, 20 pictures of people from all different backgrounds, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, video camera, and a list of competent questions to ask people on the street. Our materials are minimal.

5) 5) When we have completed the interviews that we are going to be videotaping, we are going to put together a compilation of all of the responses and show it as a video at the presentation. We are also going to bring our posters and questions to the summit and ask our fellow Columbia students for an interactive presentation.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

This is my Project for Study 1. It is about my Influence, Michael Buble, and his influence, Frank Sinatra. Kait wanted to be in the picture...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exploration and Research Pt. 2: Stereotypes in Popular Culture

I think one of the topics that we should address in our study is the portrayal of beauty and body image for men and women in the media. I am considering media to be television, magazines, and advertisements. I think that this is a very important issue because the media’s interpretation of what is considered “beautiful”, “sexy”, and “manly” is distorting the world’s idea of what is real. Photo shopped advertisements and magazine cover shoots of both men and women are shoving unhealthy ideas down the throats of young adults. This is resulting in very unhealthy habits such as eating disorders, the consumption of questionable supplements, dangerous diets, and plastic surgery. Although this issue is already beaten to death, I still think that it is a very important issue that needs to be made public and brought to the attention of the public. I think we need to expose the results of these antics that are being put into place by the media. We need to expose the results of the fashion industry on models in the industry and those who hope to break into the industry, skeletal female celebrities and perfectly chiseled men that average people constantly compare themselves to and are viewed as the epitome of sexiness. I also think that reality TV is another negative influence on female and male body image because of the people that are chosen to be on the shows. The way that they dress and always seem to look so put together and professionally made up also bashes body image and beauty, because normal people cannot and do not look this way in their everyday life. I found an article at www.media-awareness.ca that talks about body image in the media and the negative effects that it is having on society and young adults. It talks about how the media does not have real women in it’s articles and ads instead of painfully thin models. It also states that girls from the ages of 6-12 have image issue and already think they are overweight and have tried dieting. Barbie dolls are a source of negative body image for young girls because the measurements of Barbie’s body could only house half of a liver and her back would be too weak to support her entire upper body. Obviously these proportions are so unrealistic. Models twenty years ago used to weigh 8% less than the average person and today they weigh a shocking 23% less than the average person. (media-awareness.ca)

I think that one way that we could address this issue through a project would be to do something similar to the French street artist JR and what he did in Rio De Janiero. It was an artistic way to make people aware of a situation and to make people ask questions like “What does this mean?” and “What is the statement that is being made?” It is such a cool and inspiring way to create awareness and controversy.

MLA citation: "Beauty and Body Image in the Media." Media Awareness Network | R. Web. 11 Mar. 2010. .

Friday, February 5, 2010

My gift for Nyghesty.

I made this picture collage for Nyghesty. It has a little bit of everything in it. She's from Boston, looks like Raven and loves blink-182, to name a few things. The Frankenstein quote at the bottom of the picture is pretty random but so is the picture, so i think it fits pretty well. I hope that she liked it!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Millennium Studies Personals AD.

18 years old
I'm in the process of tweaking my college major, but it will be vocal performance. I have a passion for singing. I LOVE the band Parachute, Adam Lambert, and Michael Buble. I Enjoy going to MANY concerts (especially at the Rave in Milwaukee), shopping, playing the guitar, and hanging out with best friend Brittany, Roommates Megan, Kait, and honorary roommate Nicole. I also love all kinds of ethnic and "weird" food. Always ready to have a good time and laugh until i cry. Action/super hero movies, romantic comedies, and ridiculously hilarious movies are my favorite. My favorite comedian is Daniel Tosh. I have a few strange phobias that i cannot explain where they came from. My Favorite t.v. channels are the travel channel, the food network and WE for the wedding shows like 'My Fair Wedding', 'Say Yes to the Dress' and 'Platinum Weddings' . My 14 year old sister and I have seen the Jonas Brothers in concert 5 times, once we were in the second row and i cried when they came on stage. I've also seen Nick Jonas and the Administration in concert. I am a Night Owl. I sleep all day when i get the chance and stay up all night. I'm a self-proclaimed cheese-head (GO PACKERS!), but i still love Brett Favre. I always surround my self with good people like my family and close friends.